The Ultimate Thigh, Buns, & Hips Toner

Feel your thigh muscles working instantly!


$189.88 + S/H
Free Gifts!!!
  • 2 Stop Wedges
  • 2 Resistance Cords
  • 4 Levels of Resistance
  • 1 Red Upper Body Band
  • ThighGlider workout DVDs

Feel your thigh muscles working instantly!


$175 + S/H
  • 2 Stop Wedges
  • 2 Resistance Cords
  • 4 Levels of Resistance
  • 1 Red Upper Body Band
  • ThighGlider workout DVDs

ThighGLIDER “Before & After” and Testimonials

The Thigh Glider is a unique tri-plane exercise device that targets the muscles of the inner thigh, outer thigh, glutes (butt), core, pelvic floor, and the muscles deep in the hip known as the hip rotators. Due to its unique design, it can work all these muscles in a single movement.

Mark Basil, MES, CPT, CES, HLC

Optimum Fitness

ThighGLIDER has been featured on these networks:

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